Lovingly Recycled Furniture

Upcycled door table & benches

Upcycled door table & benches


One of my many loves is OLD DOORS.
I have had these old barn doors for sometime given to me by an old friend
to help kick start kiss create. I have been working with my brother on any building
projects as he is an amazing craftsman and finally felt the time was right to create
something with these beauties.



I also had a great old timber table with nice big chunky turned legs. The top was
warped and I wasn’t too sure if it could be re-used. The other material
used in this upcycle was yet another door. An old green loo door.


My brother took all these pieces off to his workshop and returned with


WOW the marriage of a few doors and an old table. Which is how my brother put it.
He cut the top of the table up to make the sides and underneath of the benches. I love
the design he cut out of the bottom of the side to match in with the table legs.

NOW for the fun part. I need to make this piece look really beautiful.
Where do I start! I guess the benches as whatever is under that green paint
will be the colour scheme I will work with. So here is the pics from my sanding
session with the benches. Im loving the colours coming through as well as the dark


I have not got any further as yet as so busy with custom orders, finding stock and painting
for the markets. I will have another update real soon when I start on the table.
Can’t wait.

Amanda x

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